Hi everyone - Sorry I have been missing in action lately. I had to do some computer upgrades and currently I am locked out of my movie files so as soon as I get it straightened out I will post some videos for you. We have done a bit of traveling.
TODAY I want to announce that BLAXIT RADIO has a NEW mobile app that has been approved by Apple & Google!!! Yay! and THANK YOU Riley Jackson for making it all possible.
Asking you to please support our efforts by downloading the app on your iPhone or Android today!!
iPhone users link :
Android Users link :
Update on our BLAXIT RADIO.COM launch - Currently all of our Djs/Hosts are in training - studying, preparing and getting ready for their shows. It's going to be AWESOME and hopefully not too much longer.
BLAXIT RADIO FB page - We will have a DJ corner on our Fb page, included will be a series of short videos, (one for each Dj/Host) -- so that YOU can get a glimpse of them and hear about their shows. We appreciate your patience!
In the meantime please continue to listen to our 24/7 music mix.
Serving The Blaxit Community Worldwide
Tune in 24/7 for the Best in Music & Talk
(Oh, some have been asking what I will be doing on the station - for any of you who would like to see my show info please click here ) Thanks for your support!!!